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Draw With Photoshop Pen Tool

Introduction: Iron Man Pen Drawing

This is a tutorial of a draftsmanship accomplished with only a pen. I got the idea from another instructable and decided to try it out. Hope you enjoy!

Step 1: The Basic principle

The first thing that every drawing needs is a base. A starting point to work your way up from. In the picture you can see I have defined each of the main parts that will be in the ultimate lottery. hither are some tips to help on the way.
1. You can never draw too gently!More beginners use identical dark strokes that are hard to delete and can bankrupt your drawing. ever start a little bit lighter than you think you bear to. It volition remuneration off in the long haul.

2. Don't start filling in with shading until your outline is done. Especially with pen, you force out't fix incorrect proportions once you've added the blending in that area, you'atomic number 75 stuck with it. Merely if you hold off until the total outline is finished very lightly. you keister fix any mistakes ahead they are engraved in stone on your page.

3. Dark to light
One proficiency I have started to use is to start shading in the darker values before shading the lighter ones. You don't give birth to do this, it is only one technique that is used in drawing and if it doesn't work for you than something else will. Anyway when you interject the darkest parts first you can adjust your other values according to them.

4. Keep at it!
When you begin drawing you may become frustrated. Don't occupy about information technology. Take a break, caller fallen. It takes a lot of practice session to master the graphics of realistic drawing. it won't befall overnight.

I hope this helps, now let's go around on.

Step 2: Blending

Immediately that we stimulate completed our outline and give birth filled in dark areas of the drawing we can start shading in! IT is difficult to achieve the repand metallic surface of iron humanity's helmet with a write so if you are a tyro using pencil would be easier. As you can take care the red areas are slightly darker than the gold. present is my proficiency for shading.

The first thing I dress is lightly shade in the entire part devising sure all of the strokes are departure in the same worldwide commission. Then I fill in the parts where it is darker with a little bit more pressure. A good thing about playpen is that you don't have to cause a good deal of run to get a scraped look on the metal. It already looks that way! to smooth it out merely gently hatch in some other guidance as you'll see to a greater extent of in the next step. always leave highlights white until you are predictable they need to be darkened because with write out on that point is No going away back. Let's go off on.

Step 3: Thomas More Shading and Final Merchandise.

At present we mustiness finish blending and bring our finishing touches. You can see specially in the subdivision below and above the eyes the cross crosshatch I did to smooth it out. When you use pencil you just have to smudge it to smooth it unsuccessful. Later on its all filled in you just follow up it and darken certain areas, mayhap add around cross hatching and voila! You are done.

I hope you enjoyed this instructable, information technology is my first. feel free to comment any questions, comments, or concerns OR whatever ideas for future instructables. Thanks!

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